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Spring is right around the corner which means warmer weather is almost upon us. The change of seasons is the perfect time to start getting outside for some fresh air and much-needed sunshine.

Going outside for even 30 minutes a day can help kids improve their physical health, help their observation skills, and makes natural science more exciting. As the overcast skies break up, get your kids outside for some super-charged vitamin D straight from the sun. Fun fact: vitamin D helps children’s brains function, muscles growth and supports immune health!

To help promote kids spending time outside during spring, Kids Co. presents the “Signs of Spring” Bingo game that you can play with your kids.

The goal is simple, get outside and enjoy the changes in the world around you through the help of a spring-themed game of Bingo. By playing “Signs of Spring” Bingo, you can add another layer of fun to outdoor walks with your family. Each time you find yourself outside, remember to bring your “Signs of Spring” Bingo card with you so you can check off the different animals, plants, or types of weather you might see on a typical spring day!

Each week we will be releasing a new space that will help fill up the board so make sure to come back occasionally to check in on the board’s progress. Find the board at the bottom of this page. Have fun and good luck hunting!

Walking resources: